Create an Entity-Relationship Diagram from an XML Document


New Member
I really don't know much about XML documents at all. But I was wondering if it is possible to generate an entity-relationship diagram from an XML document that details tables and primary keys within a database. For example:\[code\]<table name="journals"> <field name="journal_id" type="I8"> <KEY /> <AUTOINCREMENT/> </field> <field name="path" type="C2" size="32"> <NOTNULL/> </field> <field name="seq" type="F"> <NOTNULL/> <DEFAULT VALUE=""/> </field> <field name="primary_locale" type="C2" size="5"> <NOTNULL/> </field> <field name="enabled" type="I1"> <NOTNULL/> <DEFAULT VALUE=""/> </field> <descr>Journals and basic journal settings.</descr> <index name="journals_path"> <col>path</col> <UNIQUE /> </index></table>\[/code\]Is this at all possible and if so, what tool would be able to do it?Thanks a lot,Amy