Create a new DIR...


Is there a way with html to create a new directory somewhere i tell it to? (so it will make a directory in this path: "/Users/<newdirname>" ) and how?<br />
if not how can i? if its special server side scripting someone please help?!?!<br />
also how could i make a copy of a file and place it into the directory? (i want it to copy index.htm from the directory "BASE" and put it in the directory "<newdirname>"<br />
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Any Help?<!--content-->Yes, you need serverside for it. It can be easily done in any serverside language (such as Perl, PHP and ASP). Maybe someone else can give you links to good tutorials, since I don't have any.<!--content-->ok thanks, anyone can help? Ive never used any server sidescripting before. and i aint got a clue where to put it, what to do with it etc.<!--content-->The difference between serverside (e.g. Perl, PHP) and clientside (JavaScript) is, that clientside code is executed by the client's (user's) browser, but serverside is executed already on the server before sending any data to the client. I'm somewhat familiar with Perl, which is one of the most popular languages. I started learning it from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, which I consider as a very easy tutorial. To run a Perl script then, you need a server which supports CGI. Mostly you have to pay for it, or display a bunch of ads on your site (such as Prohosting (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)).<br />
Good luck.<!--content-->