Crawl embeded Flash video and render Javascript to obtain final GUI


New Member
Now, I am encountering some difficulties when I have to scan or crawl a video URL link. This web page is using the Flash-based technology to embed the video and stream video. In order to understand more clearly, this is a link example: above link has below content (HTML code for Flash embedded video):\[code\] <div id="flashContent" style="text-align:center;width:100%;"> <span id="FlashPlayer79237" class="Normal" align="center">Bạn cần cài <a href="">Flash Player</a> để xem được Clip này.</span> </div> \[/code\]In this above article, there is a above video. However, when I tried to scan or crawl the content, the video could not run properly (because it could not load correct video link) and only show Install Flash Player plugin words (Certainly, the real web page needs to run some Javascript script or Flash script to obtain the real video link and stream this video for users)Therefore, how can I render Flash and Javascript script through PHP or ASP.NET or Java? How can I get the correct video link when I crawl the web page? In this case, how can I obtain the correct Flash embedded video (HTML code)?Thank you so much.