Couple of Validation questions...

Hey there, I just have a couple of validation questions that I'm hoping someone could answer for me right quick :).<br />
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Here they are:<br />
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Line 95, column 30: end tag for "FONT" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this (explain...). <br />
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Line 95, column 37: end tag for element "FONT" which is not open (explain...). <br />
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And there you go. Any help is much appreciated, thanks :).<br />
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[note: I hope I'm posting this in the right forum..wasn't really sure where it should go.]<!--content-->i think the font tag has been deprecated <br />
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anyway, it means you started a <font> tag but never closed it with </font><!--content-->Ok, I should have looked over the code a bit further before I posted here :rolleyes: . I had the tag closed, just in the wrong order :D (I should have caught that before).<br />
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Anyway, thanks for the help morrowasted :).<!--content-->The error is because the tags are closed in the wrong order from which they were opened; in other words a nesting error.<!--content-->giz I think he found that out a half an hour before you posted.<!--content-->That's what comes of opening up several windows to write replies in, going off and doing other things, eventually finishing it and posting. Other things came up while I was online, so got distracted several times.<!--content-->