Counting items in xsl


Staff member
I need to display a list of items on an ASP. I also want to be able to selectone or more of these items and delete them from the list.I create the list using XSL as follows:<xsl:for-each select="FEECALC/PURCHASECOMMENTS/RECORDSET/ROW" order-by="-COLUMN0/VALUE"><TR height="25"><TD width="1%" align="right"><input><xsl:attribute name="type">checkbox</xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="name">Mid</xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="value">nCount+1</xsl:attribute></input></TD></xsl:for-each>I populate an array with the value attribute from each checked item. I thenpass the array to a COM object that deletes the proper items from a database.However, I am having a problem with getting the value of nCount+1 to be anumber and not the text "nCount+1" to be assigned to the value attribute.Can anyone help me with this? Or if someone has a better way I await yourresponse.TIANate