Counter problems


I have installed 5 different counters but they all reset from time to time. The counters came from all famous script sites (mcount, ace-counter etc).<br />
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Can somebody help me with this? Is it possible that somebody is teasing me by resetting the counter from time to time?<br />
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the directory has the rights: drwxr-xr-x <br />
the file with th count has the rights: -rwxr-xr-x<br />
the scripts has the rights: -rwxr-xr-x<br />
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Please HELP!!!<br />
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Hanno<!--content-->if you have the ability to reset you counter and if someone has access to your admin page for the counter then yes!, but what is the probability of someone spending the time to reset your counters!<br />
Maybe your counter provider is reseting them for some reason??, why so many different counters?<br />
Have you looked into some other form of traffic analysis other than remotely hosted counters?<br />
here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... age_Based/</a><!-- m -->) some perl counters :)<!--content-->The reason for this counter is to show the users of the site that the site is often looked at. There is a message board etc. So it is not for my self but the visitors. I use the statistics ofthe providers to get more details.<br />
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I also don't believe someone is reseeting the counter but I have tried so many that I really dont have an idea what is wrong!<br />
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Hanno<!--content-->give one of the image based cgi counters a go, see if the same happens with them (they will appear and act just like a remotely hosted counter)<!--content-->