Counter Help-


Most webmasters will probably dislike me for this, but I have a good reason for it-<br />
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Here's my situation:<br />
<br />
AOL deleted my counter that I've had for two years, I tell them that, and they say "It must have been currupted or damaged, blah blah blah (they didn't even see my counter) and in the end, told me to get a new counter- turns out the new counters condensed the size of the code (the reason why they purposely deleted mine).<br />
<br />
I had over 7,688 visitors to my site, and now, I must start back over at 1. So, I created a webpage that had 80 frames- 4x20. Each frame loaded a page (the page was the same for every frame) and it contained the counter (so, going to the page once would load the counter 80 times)- however, this was not the case, as it only loaded once in each frame, not changing the number.<br />
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I experimented with some coding and then it started to go up and up, but then would reset back at one.<br />
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Is there any coding to prevent this??<br />
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My counter:<br />
<br />
<img src="" alt="Hitometer"><br />
<br />
<br />
My tested code to hopefully work for frames page:<br />
<br />
<htpdiv x=6 y=6 width=88 height=31 type=counter name=counter cid=4313858 uid=5398286 ocid=5099850 host=86 hitoblob=100-W%2fj1Qnzkv1N5G3qqHKq0asSmCZ4XbA36rAXlKA49%2fso%3d><br />
<script language="Javascript1.1"><br />
<!-- <br />
d=document;<br />
ref = d.referrer;<br />
refsrc = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";"> ... .referrer;</a><!-- m --><br />
if(navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf("netscape") != -1){refsrc = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ubstring(0</a><!-- m -->, ref.indexOf("?"));}<br />
c='<img border=0 '+'src="'+parseInt(10000*Math.random())+'$';<br />
if(parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)>=4){x='x';s=screen;<br />
c+=s.width+x+s.height+x+s.pixelDepth+x+s.colorDepth;}<br />
d.writeln(c+'$'+refsrc+'">');<br />
// --><br />
</script><br />
<noscript><br />
<p><br />
<br />
<img border=0 src="" alt="Hitometer"><br />
</noscript><br />
</htpdiv><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<script language="Javascript1.1"><br />
<!-- <br />
d=document;<br />
ref = d.referrer;<br />
refsrc = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";"> ... .referrer;</a><!-- m --><br />
if(navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf("netscape") != -1){refsrc = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ubstring(0</a><!-- m -->, ref.indexOf("?"));}<br />
c='<img border=0 '+'src="'+parseInt(10000*Math.random())+'$';<br />
if(parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)>=4){x='x';s=screen;<br />
c+=s.width+x+s.height+x+s.pixelDepth+x+s.colorDepth;}<br />
d.writeln(c+'$'+refsrc+'">');<br />
// --><br />
</script><br />
<noscript><br />
<p><br />
<br />
<img border=0 src="" alt="Hitometer"><br />
</noscript><br />
</htpdiv><!--content-->Um just get a bravenet counter and start your tracking at 7,000 the idea of tracking is to see your audiance though not to say look how many people visited my site. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->I'd rather not use a bravenet banner- just try to answer my question<br />
<br />
I also don't want to just add 7K visitors- that would look tacky. If anyone can help, please help! :D<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
PS: PeOfEo-your clan website, the cursor on the homepage is copyright of Blizzard Entertainment and you could get into some legal issues (from the game Starcraft)- At least try to give the original authors credit (I didn't see one though):rolleyes:<!--content-->