Here u Go......
This is a countdown hack that allows users to put a custom countdown using BB Code.
[countdown=12/31/2020 5:00 AM;It is finally here]Count down:[/countdown]
The countdown will count down till it reaches the date then it will show the text in the option after the date. The param is the text before the countdown.
The date is in the format of m/d/yyyy h:mm AM.
m is for month.
d is for day.
y is for Year with 4 digits like 2008 not 08.
h is for the hour.
The last m is for minute and needs to be 2 digits.
The AM can be AM or PM.
* Processing is done by Javascript.
* There can be multiple countdowns on a page without effecting the other countdowns on the page.
Installation With Product
1. Upload everything in the upload folder.
2. Login to your Admin Control Panel
3. Go to Plugins & Products -> Manage products
4. Click on Add/Import product
5. Browse for product-countdown37.xml and click import.
6. Edit your headinclude template and put this code at the bottom.
<!-- Begin Countdown Javascript code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/countdown.js"></script>
<!-- End Countdown Javascript code -->
Installation without Product
1. Upload everything in the upload folder.
2. Login to your Admin Control Panel
3. Edit your headinclude template and put this code at the bottom.
<!-- Begin Countdown Javascript code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/countdown.js"></script>
<!-- End Countdown Javascript code -->
4. Create new BB Code with these settings.
Title: Countdown (You can make this whatever you want)
Tag: countdown
<span id="cntdwn"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
init_countdown("{param}", "{option}");
[countdown=12/31/2020 5:00 AM;It is finally here]Count down:[/countdown]
Use {option}: Yes