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In my SSRS report, there is a matrix showing following data... Every single of data in the matrix is dynamic.\[code\]Departure Arravial Bus name Tour01:51 02:01 07 ABY 0402:02 02:12 07 AB 97802:21 02:31 07 ABY 0402:32 02:42 07 AB 97803:01 03:11 07 ABY 0403:02 03:12 07 AB 97803:31 03:41 07 ABY 0403:42 03:52 07 AB 97804:01 04:11 07 ABY 04\[/code\]What I want to do is count the first row bus name and put it next to it. Can this be achievable with expressions? or how can I come up with such query in SQL? How can I solve this puzzle?\[code\]Departure Arravial Bus name Tour01:51 02:01 07 ABY 04 102:02 02:12 07 AB 978 02:21 02:31 07 ABY 04 202:32 02:42 07 AB 978 03:01 03:11 07 ABY 04 303:02 03:12 07 AB 978 03:31 03:41 07 ABY 04 403:42 03:52 07 AB 978 04:01 04:11 07 ABY 04 5\[/code\]This is my query by the way,\[code\]SELECT HCPD.DepartureTime, HCPD.ArrivalTime, V.BusNameFROM HAT_CALISMA_PLANI HCP WITH(NOLOCK)INNER JOIN HAT_CALISMA_PLANI_DETAY HCPD WITH(NOLOCK) ON HCPD.HatCalismaPlaniKey = HCP.HatCalismaPlaniKeyINNER JOIN VALIDATOR V WITH(NOLOCK) ON V.ValidatorKey = HCPD.ValidatorKeyWHERE HCPD.DepartureTime = @Time AND HCP.HatKey = @HatKeyORDER BY HCPD.DepartureTime\[/code\]