count logical lines of code in Ubuntu


New Member
I am working on a web application and I need to be able to keep track of \[code\]php\[/code\], \[code\]css\[/code\], \[code\]html\[/code\] and \[code\]JavaScript\[/code\] lines of code within the \[code\]/var/www\[/code\] directory.But using the terminal lines of code counter, I naturally feel like writing more lines and spacing out code like:\[code\]if($var == $other)echo("hi");\[/code\]would be done as:\[code\]if($var == $other){ echo("hi");}\[/code\]In this way I can come up with a very high number of lines without actually doing any real work, is there any way I can count the logical lines of code in the directory? Is there any program that can do so?Thanks!