Could someone please test my form?


Could someone be so kind and test a form in netscape 4 and 6 for me?<br />
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I can't make the submit-button work. This could be an internal problem. (don't worry about submitting the form, no one will read it)<br />
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Some other issues:<br />
Can I add a reset button that looks like an image?<br />
In that case, what do i put inside <br />
<INPUT TYPE="reset"><br />
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Can I direct the visitor to an other page when he clicks submit, (like a thank's for submitting page)?<br />
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Other tips for improving the form? (can't use CGI)<br />
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Thank's a million!<br />
-aslefo<!--content-->The form seemed to work OK for me with N6. I would validate the form so blank entries can not be sent. You can use style tags to get the same look for the button instead of using an image, it will work with N6 and IE4+, older or other browsers will see the regular gray button.<br />
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There is no reset image button, type=image is automatically a submit button, you can use an image and use a java script to simulate a reset button. <br />
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The form looks OK to me. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank's!<br />
Designing the buttons with CSS was a great tip. No need for images.<br />
By the way, found a neat little javascript that opens a new page on submit at<br />
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