Could not find installable ISAM


New Member
I want to create a search function in my webpage with first\[code\]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" action="mySearchResults.asp"> <label>Enter Keywords:` <input type="text" name="searchTerm" />` </label>` <p> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="" /> </p></form>\[/code\]Then\[code\]<% 'open the connectionDim Connect, myRecordSetSet Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Connect.Open = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Database='SVCS.mdb'"%><%'collect the form inputsearchInput = Request.QueryString("searchTerm")`'check for a matchSet myRecordSet = Connect.Execute ("SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE myColumn LIKE '%" & searchInput & "%'")'display the resultsif myRecordSet.EOF thenresponse.write("You searched for: " & searchInput & "<br>")response.write("A match was not found.<br>Sorry try again.")elseresponse.write("You searched for: " & searchInput & "<br>")response.write("The record was found!<br>The match is: " & myRecordSet("myColumn"))end if%><br><br><a href="">Try Again</a> \[/code\]And the error is\[code\]Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' Could not find installable ISAM. /sarah lee video club website/mySearchResults.asp, line 5\[/code\]Please tell me how to solve this