could google ban me if I use a country detection script?


New Member
Hi,I have an ecommerce site with my pages duplicated in GBP, USD and Euros. My default currency is GBP (on my index.htm page) and my Google rating is ok. I would like to use a script that can detect if a visitor is from the USA and jump him to the USD currency page.Simple - but I am worried that Google's spider might see this as some kind of gateway page jump trick and drop my ranking?The pages are almost exactly duplicated in the different currencies with the default GBP pages having "index,follow" and the duplicate currency pages having (for safety's sake): "noindex,follow".If I do have the jump link will the "noindex,follow" tag on the the duplicate pages work in my favour or against me?But most importantly: Is the jump link too risky?Any advice appreciated.Many ThanksSimon