Corrupt output with an HttpModule


New Member
I have an HttpModule that looks at the query string for a parameter called "cmd" and executes one of a small set of predefined commands that display server stats in XML. For example, \[code\]http://server01?cmd=globalstats\[/code\]. Now, on rare occasions, like once out of hundreds of times, I will get corrupt output like this:\[code\]<!-- the stats start displaying fine... --><stats> <ServerName>SERVER01</ServerName> <StackName>Search</StackName> <TotalRequests>945</TotalRequests><!-- ...until something has gone awry and now we're getting the markup of the home page! --><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head>...the rest of the home page markup...\[/code\](Remove the comments in the example above.)I'm not all that familiar with HttpModules and the IIS pipeline, but could this be a threading problem? Or, what else?