Correct Scripting Of The Cron To Work With Php.?


Hello. I was sent here by Abdul Hakeem to ask for help.. So here I am..<br />First.. I am fairly new to this and to be honest I don't understand much of it but I am willing to learn all I can..<br /><br />I first received this error message in email....<br /><br />/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/bin/lynx: Permission denied<br />I contacted CGI and they referred me to my Host. So I contacted them..<br />this was my response from Total Choice..<br /><br />Due to some security update, lynx is disabled on the server right now. I have updated your cron job as blow to work with php. <br /><br />/usr/local/bin/php /home/iddypix/public_html/amember/cron.php<br /><br />Then I started to receive this message in mail..<br /><br />Subject: Cron > /usr/local/bin/php /home/iddypix/public_html/amember/cron.php<br /><br />Cannot create license: unknown TLD for domain: i<br /><br />so I contact Total Choice again, and this is what I was told...<br /><br />Hello Katrina,<br /><br />I have just updated the cron to work with php and it is working. But I am not able to give the functionality of this script with php. You will get the correct answer from our forums for the correct scripting of the cron to work with php.<br /><br />Our Forums are located at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br /><br />Any help advice would be greatly appreciated..<br />Thank you!<br />Katrina Majer<!--content-->
Hi Katrina, this has just been covered recently. You can read through <a href="" target="_blank">this thread</a> amd see if it helps.<!--content-->