Admin option turn on/off peelmycorner LEFT or RIGHT.
Admin option usergroups setup per peeler.
Admin: setup swf path.
Admin: setup image small background.
Admin: setup scroll text.
Admin: setup text size.
Admin: setup text color.
Admin: setup url onclick link.
Admin: setup url [blank, self or parent.
CMPS setup *********
Goto admincp and look for vBa CMPS option. Open default settings and look for Main Options setup. Open and below there is a window that shows input, Portal Output Global Variables $var and save. Read Tutorial for more help...
stay cool men, when I started to respond about you did not respond, in the meantime I talked with a friend and you have answered. that is why I have not seen that you had posted, it is better to have 2 that not at all.
peace lol