

I have made site after site but none of them were serious and most of them were done around when I was 12 years old and I couldn 't care less about copywrite and other things like that mainly because I didn't know what they were. Now I'm making my first serious one and I haven't got a clue about copywrite and copywriting my work. I know what copywwrite is but how do I check it. I mean if I just sat at my desk and I think of idea and a create the website and everything is actually oringinal. Like the name and everything. How do I check that my name is already beening used? Does it matter if the site is non - profit?. Do i just do a search on google and if nothing matching my names comes up I can use it?. How to I go about copywriting my work without paying a dime? I'm trying to make this as easy as possible to understand I'm kind of in a rush and got to do other things. Thanks for your help. Pointing me in the right direction of a site devoted to people who want to start a professional webpage and tells you about copywrite and stuff and how to copywrite would be a great help.<!--content-->You don't have to pay anything to copyright... the minute you create something it is your intellectual copyright. However, you have be sure that the same, or very close to, has't been done before. <br />
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You will prob get more info from the legal side of the forum threads.<!--content-->I thought so I was sure which forum to post it. I'll post it again in there. This should be deleted or locked or something..<!--content-->