Copyright law


Is it right that u can copy a work or an image without the author sueing u if u have made at least seven changes to it?<!--content-->Google search (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... e+internet</a><!-- m -->)<br />
Copyright law does vary in different countries.<br />
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We don't mind answering questions, but try it find an answer using a search engine first. :)<!--content-->As far as I am aware (IANAL), in any countries following the Berne convention (i.e. Western Europe, USA, etc.) merely changing content does not make it yours, unless the changes are so drastic as to make the original effectively unnecessary. Thus, copying an image and changing some pixels does not grant you ownership, but copying an image, clearing the canvas and starting from scratch gives you normal copyright ownership.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Hi..sorry for barging in but Fang..that was totally unneccesary for you to say what you did to Sonia. :(<br />
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If you don't wish to answer then please don't but don't berate her for asking.<br />
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Not trying to be mean but it pains me when others get the brush-off like that.<br />
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As for CopyRight Laws...I try to avoid using such stuff..I make my own images or if, on the off chance, I do use someone elses image..then I add disclaimers...but if it is a profit site then I guess the issues become more strict maybe?<!--content-->Take a look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> if you are in the USA:<br />
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5. How much do I have to change in order to claim copyright in someone else's work? <br />
Only the owner of copyright in a work has the right to prepare, or to authorize someone else to create, a new version of that work. Accordingly, you cannot claim copyright to another's work, no matter how much you change it, unless you have the owner's consent. See Circular 14, Copyright Registration for Derivative Works.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dark Dragon <br />
that was totally unneccesary for you to say what you did to Sonia. :( <br />
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Bear in mind that Sonia posted at least 5 questions one after another here and Fang very kindly answered them all! Don't be too harsh on the chap LOL.<!--content-->firstly i dont think what he said was too harsh, i personally wouldnt have said but still<br />
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check out Alta Vista (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and search for copyright laws on laws, i think its the third one down or at least 2 - 4, i used this when using graphics for my site very informative also has it for each different countries, only main ones mind such as uk, us, france, russia, japan, etc all displayed in the language u select default english<br />
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hope this helps ya sonia<!--content-->Here's one for you Dark Dragon:<br />
Read the posting guidelines (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=16096</a><!-- m -->) #1 on the list Search first before asking a question!<br />
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Sonia is obviously a newbie so I answered all her questions, no problem, but searching for answers on the forum or the web should be the first step to finding a solution.<!--content-->Hi, I'm really sorry. I didn't know my question would cause so much of confusion. Thanks for replying anyway. Next time I'll follow the rules.<!--content-->Sonia, your'e the newbie no need to be sorry :)<!--content-->