Coppermine Questions


since i noticed that tch people seemed to know more about coppermine, i decided to switch over to coppermine, all because of thumbnailing.<br /><br />#1: i'm having a bit of trouble just uploading the pictures. it says<br /><br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The previous file could not be placed.<br /><br />You have successfully placed all the files.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />so i am pretty confused.<br /><br />#2: how do you install imagemagick? if you don't know, i can try gd. can gd support gifs? and if you know how to install gd for coppermine, please tell.<br /><br />thanks so much!<!--content-->
You do not need to install imagemagick, it is already on the servers. What did you use as its path?<!--content-->
I think the way to install is to accept GD as the default<br />then after install go into the config <br />and select Imagemagik using the path<br /> /usr/local/bin/<!--content-->
I believe the the #1 is a permission problem. Make sure all the album folders have the correct permission (including the ones you eventually have set up yourself).<!--content-->