Cool Web Templates


Hello<br />
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I found some really cool html web templates at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Nice !!!!!<!--content-->advertisements are not welcome in the developers help forum,its better if you posted this in the general forum,,please..<!--content-->The W3C validator lists 448 errors on the first page of that site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ansitional</a><!-- m -->). I'd say that's not enough of an advertisement to worry about.<!--content-->lol...if you checked the whole internet..that will drive you loco charles....:D<!--content-->True enough. Check out the errors <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="at">at ... rldwide%29</a><!-- m -->. don't say that I write 100% conformant code,but on a commercial web site....yikeeeeeeeeeeessss<!--content-->Let's put aside the fact that there are so many errors and talk about the fact that the templates use nested tables for layout. Add to this that they actually do use a good deal of CSS, but within the actual tags. The purpose of a template is to be a starting point for somebody as they change things around for their own needs. Using nested tables and CSS at the tag level is not the way to go about this. Getting rid of the nested tables and using a external CSS file is.<!--content-->HOW DARE YOU ADVIRTISE!!!!!:mad: :mad:<!--content-->Getting on the mods and admins bad side is not a way to go<!--content-->