Cool Advert Effect


I have come across a couple of cool banner adverts recently where they appear to be transparent flash movies or something.<br />
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There is one on this page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and the Uk msn home page has a good effect on some of it's banner adverts where if you hover over a standard 468x60 banner it drops down over the screen...<br />
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How are these done? Can someone explain/give an example as I would love to have a go at creating one.<!--content-->The student guide advert was written in flash. The way they get it to pop up like that is via JavaScript.<br />
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I cant see how they opend their window as their script is in an external file and I cant trail through the temp folders at work. But it is possable to open a new window with Javascript that can be completely customised, it can be made tranparent, you can remove all the branding from the screen, the close button, the maximize etc etc<br />
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You would need to do a search for chromless windows at:<br />
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As I cant remember where I saw it before hand<!--content-->I have found this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... efault.asp</a><!-- m --><br />
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So I guess somehow I have to load it with the web page and get it to somehow be transparent or contain a transparent movie with flash (which doesn't sound like much fun!)...<!--content-->Thats the window I was talking about, but those types of ads become very annoying. A surfer doesnt want to have to wait to close the screen to read or explore the site in an detail. <br />
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Good luck anyway :D<!--content-->i agree... those ads are cool, but annoying as hell.<!--content-->