

Hia, I have a search page where the resutls are displayed in a datagrid. A user can then click on the appropriate record to find out more information (They get re-directed to the details page).

On the details page there is a 'back' button which will return the users to the search page.

I'd like them to be able to view the search result from the last search performed rather than the page being reset when they revisit it. Will I need cookies for this? Is there any way of doing it without cookies??

Thanks for the help!Why use cookie when you have Session.

EricTechnically, session state will still be using cookies unless you use cookieless session state. The pro to using session state (with cookies) is that it is virtually impossible to alter sensitive data.

If the data you need to store is not sensitive then I'd recommend that you just pass querystrings.The data is not sensitive, I just wanted to know the easiest way to go about it. So I should probably learn how to use sessions? Ok thanks guys