Cookies question


New Member
Is there any possibility to protect a page (.html) form download to cookies files ??
I have go a password on a web to user gallery

That a script to that pass if anyone need:
<script Language="JavaScript">
function password (pass) {
var password = ''
if (password != null){
location.href= pass + ".html";

<FORM name="login" target="mainFrame">
<div align="center">
<INPUT NAME="pass">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Click" onClick="password(form.pass.value)">

Is it possible to brake the password becouse a think any way is download whole page some program and then you will know what pass is (becouse you see the pass is a name of the html)
So is any possible to protect web from download (is any js block a download page to cookie??)

Thanks for any opinion and any help