The Problem:<BR>I set a cookie on one page and try to read it on the next, but nothing happens.<BR><BR>The Code:<BR>#### Page Sets Cookie ####<BR><%@ Page trace="true" language="vb" %><BR><%<BR>Dim MyCookie As New HttpCookie("Test")<BR>MyCookie.Value ="Testing Cookies"<BR>MyCookie.Expires = "January 31, 2003"<BR>Response.Cookies.Add(MyCookie)<BR>%><BR><BR>#### Page Reads Cookie ####<BR><%@ Page trace="true" language="vb" %><BR><%=Response.Cookies("Test").Value %><BR><BR>When I load the page that writes the cookie, I see it show up in the Trace information, and I confirm that it has been saved to my computer by checking the "Cookies" folder.<BR><BR>I then head over to the "View" page. When I first hit this page, it doesn't display the cookie, but I can still see that it exists in the trace info. If I reload the page, it dissapears from the Trace info and my computer.<BR><BR>I have tried a thousand variations on the above code. Anyone have any ideas?Hi Nick,<BR><BR>Try request.cookies("MyCookie").Value<BR><BR>Good luck,<BR><BR>Ultima