cookie not writing expiration date.


Staff member
can anyone see why this wouldn't write the exp date (2 months away) to the cookie?


If Request.Cookies("date") = "" Then
// Store the date in the first position
Response.Cookies("date1")("showDate") = showDate
Response.Cookies("date1")("who") = who
Response.Cookies("date1")("venue") = venue
Response.Cookies("date1")("misc") = misc
Response.Cookies("date1")("id") = id
Response.Cookies("date1").Expires = DateAdd("m", 2, Now())

// This stores the number of the last date entry made
Response.Cookies("date") = "1"

// Else there is already at least one date stored so get the next number
// Increment the date entry counter
Response.Cookies("date") = Request.Cookies("date") + 1

// Store the date in the first position
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date"))("showDate") = showDate
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date"))("who") = who
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date"))("venue") = venue
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date"))("misc") = misc
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date"))("id") = id
Response.Cookies("date" & Request.Cookies("date")).Expires = DateAdd("m", 2, Now())

End If


thanks,what does the cookie end up looking like

p.s. sorry for missing this, Dirk - must have missed it in the list.hey no prob. i've been out of town anywho.

the cookie ends up looking like this:

id=25&misc=AMBERS+BIRTHDAY%21%21+AFTER+PARTY+%40+20+Brookside+Drive+Paola%2C+KS%2E+66071+%2F+913%2E221%2E8 228+for+more+details%2E+this+show+is+ALLL+AGES+%245%2E00%2E&venue=GroundWork+Coffee+House&who=Dryline%2C+Evermourn%2C+Moire%2C+TBA&showDate=11%2F19%2F2004
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

the page resides here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... lendar.asp</a><!-- m -->

if you click on a date you can add it to myCalendar.

Also, is there a way that i can sort the dates when i read them from the cookie. as of now they display in the order written.

thanks,you're using the cookies to maintain a calendar?

Is that right?i guess you could say that. more like a date book.

the idea was they could keep all the shows they wanted to attend on that page for easy ref.

bristonAny reason for not using a database?

Cookies can be easily deleted or clear by regular browser maintenance - seems like a touchy resource to use as the basis for an application.

Just an opinion, obviously, but I just can't imagine it being a very reliable resource for that kind of use.its a user specific calendar. i'm using a db to hold the dates already.

instead of each user having to register and create their own account, all they have to click on the add to myCalendar link.

kind of like a myYahoo type deal.

i also plan on telling the user its done using cookies and i'm not that concerned if they come back after deleting their cookies and they get a friendly error message explaining this.

i debated for a few days using a db vs cookies but obviously decided on cookies.