Cookie limitation in Internet Explorer


Staff member
I'm developing a single-player online adventure with a Java applet. The applet can save the current status of the adventure as (rather big) cookies, by calling some Javascript code. I could reproduce the issue also with pure JavaScript embedded in html, that's why I'm posting it in this forum.

The issue is that after I set 3 cookies of 2K each, JavaScript can't read the cookies any more. In theory, each domain should be able to set up to 20 cookies of max 4K each. In fact setting the cookie is not the problem, I can see the content of all cookies under my c:\windows\cookie folder (I have Windows ME with IE 5.5). But when the cookie file that corresponds to my domain grows over 4K, it's no more possible to read cookies.

I wonder whether anybody else encountered this problem before, and if there is a fix or work around. Thanks in advance,
