Converting To Php


What does it take to convert my HTML based site into a PHP based site? Is it easy, hard, should a newbie try to attempt this.<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
it can take very little to convert, it depends what extra functionality you are trying to add.<br /><br />Why do you want to convert it to php? Just to learn PHP? Or for some added function?<!--content-->
I would love to learn PHP, an thought my site would be a great way to learn<!--content-->
I would suggest getting a book on PHP, then using a directory in your website to practice what you learn. Then you can take a good look at your website as a whole and decided if and where you can apply what you have learned.<!--content-->
I agree with Steve.<br /><br />If you don't know why you want to convert your site from static HTML into PHP, then don't do it. First, learn what PHP is and what it can be used for. Then you'll be able to tell what you can use it for and how you can use it on your website.<!--content-->
ok, I guess what I want maybe is not doable, I run frames, (I know, but I like it) I have a header/footer/navbar/main area. I want it that when you change pages the header changes also, I remeber seing it done some whare, bit can not remember where.<br /><br />So that is why I want to try my habd at PHP<!--content-->