The title is terrible. This is what I mean. I'm using Wolfram|Alpha's API. And while parsing it, I get these god-awful strings, like this (by querying "spider-man"):\[quote\] "year | title | medium 1962 | Amazing Fantasy #15 | comic book 1967 | Spider-Man | animation > 1977 | The Amazing Spider-Man | television 1978 | Questprobe #2 Spider-Man | video game 2002 > | Spider-Man | movie"\[/quote\]And this is actually a string representation of what should be lists like this():\[quote\] [year, title, medium] [1962, Amazing Fantasy #15, comic book] [1967, Spider-Man, video game] [2002, Spider-Man, movie]\[/quote\]I can easily split this into one big list...but I can't think of a simple way to get them into the lists like they should be (shown above). Any suggestions other than converting to a big list, parsing the list, separating them into a list of lists by creating a a new list every 3rd item I iterate through...?ex of my idea (long way):\[code\]listA = list()listA = textRepresentation.split("|")listB = list()listC = list()i = 1for item in listA: if(i == 3): listB.append(listC) i = 1 else: listC.append(item) i++\[/code\]