Converting IPB 2.2 to vB 3.6.x


New Member

I need help converting my IPB forum into vBULLETIN 3.6.x, Can someone help me or upload a script i can use to do this.

Sorry but i really don't understand, isn't it true that this tool can only be installed on vB and not IPB forums, so how will i get this on my IPB forum.
Impex is a tool that converts other forum systems to vBulletin system. I haven't used it but I think that after you install a vBulletin forum and add this product, you can convert the Database Backup of your IPB into a vBulletin one.

If you don't have a vBulletin installed, how will you convert your IPB to vBulletin? This tool does not convert files, just the database... I think.
it doesnt exactly convert the DB.

What it does is pulling data out of the SOURCE database tables, in your case the IPB one and then inserts the data into the corresponding tables of the TARGET database.

A conversion would look like this:
Install vBulletin
Install Impex
Configure Impex with source and target database details
Run Impex
Update Counters

Sounds easy, but can be doing your head in :)
lordsyntax said:
it doesnt exactly convert the DB.

What it does is pulling data out of the SOURCE database tables, in your case the IPB one and then inserts the data into the corresponding tables of the TARGET database.

A conversion would look like this:
Install vBulletin
Install Impex
Configure Impex with source and target database details
Run Impex
Update Counters

Sounds easy, but can be doing your head in :)

Just a thought... will permissions be converted? Because it has been always a problem converting permissions... for other forum systems I mean.
I have been having a problem with impex and ipb 2.2. The login information (passwords) for all users are not working. I can't figure out why.
It's because ipb uses md5 on password salts which makes them unusable for converted boards and I don't know if there is any solution to this... so I guess you users will have to reset their passes.
I lost every user password while using impex, but I didn't had any other solution :(

Maybe send a global e-mail to all users with the link to rechange the password, so you will apologize there about the problem ;) thats what I did..
