Converting Data in MySQL Table to XML via PHP [closed]


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Headers already sent by PHP I am attempting to follow this tutorial: Creating a Store Locator with PHP, MySQL & Google Maps
Google Geo APIs Team; August 2009I've reached the point where I have a MySQL table of location data. I changed elements of the code in this tutorial for my purposes. I simply would like to extract all the data from the MySQL table and convert it into XML, so it can be read by the Google Maps API. Unfortunately, when I run the code below, the browser page does not load and receive the following error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at .../getdata/genxml.php:8) in .../getdata/genxml.php on line 43This may be the problematic line:header("Content-type: text/xml");Here is the entire block of code. What mistake am I making? Thanks! <?phprequire("phpsqlsearch_dbinfo.php");//Get parameters from URL//$center_lat = $_GET["lat"];//$center_lng = $_GET["lng"];// Start XML file, create parent node$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");$node = $dom->createElement("markers");$parnode = $dom->appendChild($node);// Opens a connection to a mySQL server$connection=mysql_connect (localhost, $username, $password);if (!$connection) { die("Not connected : " . mysql_error());}// Set the active mySQL database$db_selected = mysql_select_db($database, $connection);if (!$db_selected) { die ("Can\'t use db : " . mysql_error());}// Search the rows in the markers table$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM markers WHERE 1");$result = mysql_query($query);$result = mysql_query($query);if (!$result) { die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());}// **Below is line 42. The error may be here.** header("Content-type: text/xml");// Iterate through the rows, adding XML nodes for eachwhile ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $node = $dom->createElement("marker"); $newnode = $parnode->appendChild($node); $newnode->setAttribute("id", $row['id']); $newnode->setAttribute("address", $row['address']); $newnode->setAttribute("lat", $row['lat']); $newnode->setAttribute("lng", $row['lng']); $newnode->setAttribute("bt", $row['bt']); $newnode->setAttribute("dt", $row['dt']); $newnode->setAttribute("br", $row['br']); $newnode->setAttribute("bth", $row['bth']); $newnode->setAttribute("sqft", $row['sqft']); $newnode->setAttribute("lp", $row['lp']); $newnode->setAttribute("url", $row['url']); $newnode->setAttribute("dom", $row['dom']);}echo $dom->saveXML();?>