converting AndroidManifest.xml to Package.appxmanifest


New Member
I am trying to convert AndroidManifest.xml file of android application to corresponding Package.appxmanifest file of windows 8.There is one tag \[code\]<service>\[/code\] in AndroidManifest.xml so that I have mapped to \[code\]<Extension Category="windows.backgroundTasks"> <BackgroundTasks> <Task Type="systemEvent" /> </BackgroundTasks></Extension>\[/code\]but my question is that(i) so which task type I should add to \[code\]Package.appxmanifest\[/code\]? (ii) There are \[code\]<Extention>\[/code\] tag with so many on which basis I should add that \[code\]<Extention>\[/code\]tag with category in Package.appxmanifest.?(iii)There are many permission type in xml so for that is it desirable to add tag or only I should map it with \[code\]<capabilities>\[/code\] in Package.appxmanifest.