Convert XML to HTML


New Member
I am having a little problem. I was asked by a man to redesign his website. He origionally wrote it in XML (a language I have no experience with). I did a total redisign like he asked for in HTML and Javascript because that is what work the best with and find that when other people are going to be updating it have the easiest time with. I sent him the entire site, and now he is asking me to just simply remake his site that he designed in XML only using HTML. I know I can do this, but it will take a while, and I have already spend countless hours doing the redesign. He said he will not pay me what we agreed on until the site is redone unsing HTML.

Right now I am just so mad at him, I want to burn him and get him out of my life, but I need the money. So what I want to know, is there any easy way to convert the XML source code into HTML source. that way, I can just copy and paste the new HTML code? Any and all help with this would be greately appreaciated. Thanks.
