So I am using a jQuery plugin that generates some styled list objects and plugins them into a div:\[code\] <div id="capturethis"> <ul> <li>First</li> <li>Second</li> </ul> </div>\[/code\]I need a way to take the contents that are generated from this plugin in and generate an image. Now, I've used/explored two methods - \[code\]HTML2Canvas\[/code\] and \[code\]Canvas2Image\[/code\]. \[code\]Canvas2Image\[/code\] displays byte code file names and, for whatever reason, claims "toDataURL" is not a method (browser tested with Chrome and Firefox). \[code\]HTML2Canvas\[/code\] I just cannot get to work.Regardless, I would love to find a way to take \[code\]div\[/code\] contents and display in image format. Any libraries or ways to do that?