I am running into a task where I have to hide some of the sitemap links. For example, in this sitemap menu: \[quote\] Restaurant \[quote\] Review Resturant Add restaurant \[/quote\] Event \[quote\] Create Event Join Event \[/quote\] Admin \[quote\] Manage Users \[/quote\]\[/quote\]The admin node should not be displayed to all users.We are not using the normal MVC Role security model. What we have is an if statement at the start of every controller. It redirect the user to another page if the user does not have access. Here is an example:\[code\] public ActionResult Index(string view) { if (dao.HasPermission(dao.screenLoanDialogue, dao.PermissionsFull) == false) return RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Home"); //rest of code here }\[/code\]How can I force the site map to not show the nodes that the user does not have access to? One of the sulotions that I can try is passing all the mapsite to a controller and have it handle which nodes to display. But I could not find where the nodes are collected. Roles and writing the page in HTML are out of options.