controlling text


ok i'm now trying to write the css for my page content and it's not working

here's what it looks like:

content { font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; text-decoration:none; color:#FFCCCC}

i know it's something simple but like i said before i'm still learning css code and i agree with you guys about it being the way to go so any help is appreciatedYou need to do it like this:

.content {...} // This is for classes (ie. <div class="content">)


#content {...} // This is for ids (ie. <div id="content">)

Basically, you need either a period or a pound sign. Also, don't forget to wrap your <style> tags around css...i'm using an external style sheet with all my styles that's why i'm seperating everything into classes......what whould be a better example of using the id thing??? could i use that with the name of a table?Originally posted by Pyrohavoc
i'm using an external style sheet with all my styles that's why i'm seperating everything into classesThen you need to use the first method that I showed.

Originally posted by Pyrohavoc
what whould be a better example of using the id thing???A better example...Like some code illustrating this or what? :confused: :confused:one more thing.....where does the class identification go in the html for just plain text??? i've done links before and that's simple just put class= after the anchor but never tried to apply this to textFor plain text, either add your text inside a <div> or <span> tag and add your class to those tags.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)