control text size setting of a browser


Say if I design a page best viewed with a browser set to smallest text size, it won't look correct if a large text size is used with the browser. One way to do it is to advise visitors to change their browsers' text size to smallest. But this is kind of unfriendly. Is it possible to set the browser text size through html or other scripts?<!--content-->You can use HTML code or CSS, but if you are asking if it is possible to override the browser setting, I don't think you can do that. <br />
<br />
Size three is the default size, you can use plus or minus or use the exact size:<br />
<br />
<font size=1><br />
<font size=-1><br />
<br />
the difference is "size=1" is size 1, the smallest you can go with HTML code, "size=-1" is size 2 (3-1=2)<br />
<br />
<font size=4> <-- this is size 4<br />
<font size=+4> <-- this is size 7<br />
<br />
the range is from 1 to 7.<br />
<br />
With CSS you have more control:<br />
<font style="font-size: 1pt"><br />
<br />
that will be so small that it can't be read.<br />
<br />
<font style="font-size: 200pt"><br />
<br />
that will be very very big. I don't know what the upper limit is with CSS but I have tried up to size 500pt and it still worked.<br />
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HTH,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->If you instruct people to change the browser's text size to smallest (in IE do View then Text Size) then they'll just leave your site. You should design a page assuming that the text size has been set on the default (Medium).<br />
You can't be sure of what default font they'll be using, or the monitor settings, or the Operating System etc. Stylesheets give you control over this, but you shouldn't design so that a page looks great in one environment but lousy in another.<br />
HTML was originally designed with no positioning or style capabilities whatsoever. It was up to the browser to display the HTML in the way it thought best. We'll never return to those days, but it's still a good idea to let the browser do what it can, and just tweak the rest.<!--content-->