Contest to see who is the best web developer


WOW! A contest ran by me and my affiliates! We would like to see who can come up with the best menu for our page<br /> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->):eek:<br />
It's simple to win just make the menu with the following parameters<br />
<br />
1.The menu needs to fit the atmosphere of the site (i.e. cyber, technology, Christ)<br />
2.The color layout needs to be silver, black, white, gray (not necessarily all those together)<br />
3.The menu must have sub-menus<br />
4.The menu must be done in horizontal fashion<br />
5.(Optional)Bullets for menu and sub-menus<br />
<br />
The prizes are as follows:<br />
<br />
Grand prize: Get your site posted in a famous search engine<br />
Runner-up: A unique graphics software, for creating animations logos, and clipart for your site <br />
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It's simple be creative and create a page with the menu on it with similar layouts to the one on our site and post it in a reply to this string. Winners will be announced when we get the menu or menus we are looking for.<!--content-->menus (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... horizontal</a><!-- m -->) :rolleyes:<!--content-->Menu (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->hey dude this 1 dose not realy fit what you asked for but i had it on hand so if you wana use this 1 you are free to navagation (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->And here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) a totally CSS way to do what dandandan did.<!--content-->Is it just me, or does it sound like this guy is just looking for some free scripting? :rolleyes: A famous search engine you say? Ooh, why can't I submit it myself? A unique graphics program? There are tons of them. :p But I guess I'm being mean...<!--content-->It is lol, woo, I get in a search engine! Oh wait, even my server is indexed on google.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tnG=Search</a><!-- m -->, look its the top one, and this is not even a working site. Free graphics software eh? Photoshop and Image Ready? Got em already. PSP and Animation studio, got them already too. The prizes you are offering for your free script are kind of stupid because this is stuff we have already.<br />
<br />
ps: your company is running this contest eh? Your company is hosting its site on a geocities free account and that does not look very professional. Please, if you wanted a menu you should have just said 'hey guys how do I make this kind of menu?' instead of acting like you are going to give us something in return for making this and/or calling it a contest.<br />
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We offer help for free, you do not need to pay us.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
It is lol, woo, I get in a search engine! Oh wait, even my server is indexed on google.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tnG=Search</a><!-- m -->, look its the top one, and this is not even a working site. Free graphics software eh? Photoshop and Image Ready? Got em already. PSP and Animation studio, got them already too. The prizes you are offering for your free script are kind of stupid because this is stuff we have already.<br />
<br />
ps: your company is running this contest eh? Your company is hosting its site on a geocities free account and that does not look very professional. Please, if you wanted a menu you should have just said 'hey guys how do I make this kind of menu?' instead of acting like you are going to give us something in return for making this and/or calling it a contest.<br />
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We offer help for free, you do not need to pay us. DOWN BOY! Don't savage the members.<!--content-->Originally posted by lavalamp <br />
DOWN BOY! Don't savage the members. I sugar coated it <br />
<.<<br />
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but its true... we do not need some prize to help a user.<!--content-->i dont even have a site to submit in to a search engin.... and adobe is good enough for me<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
we do not need some prize to help a user. And the "prizes" aren't good enough to make us help anyway...<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
And the "prizes" aren't good enough to make us help anyway... if the prizes were more monitary on the other hand...<!--content-->Lmao, yeah, if it's money you're giving away then have a start menu :D (Moz only atm):<!--content-->