New Member
Here's an example of what I want: http://gumonshoe.net/magic/card/?card=620I have a website that blends together data elements with images. It actually goes so far as to apply masking effects to the image based on some of those elements. The result is a series of rather unique graphical cards that I'd like users to be able to keep an image of. An export of sorts.Unfortunately, as far as I can tell this isn't possible, but I'm hoping one of you can help me. I'd like users to be able to click a button to get a screen shot of the content they are viewing. I have a single div element that contains all of the objects.I've considered trying to pre-render the images in PHP or using canvas the entire way, but my main problem is this: Determining whether text is overflowing a box is font dependent and a lot of work. Since I don't use a font with monotype characters, like courier new, I really have no idea how much space the words are going to take up in canvas. There also doesn't appear to be a way to measure the height and width of the text you putting in the canvas. Or if there is, I just haven't found the documentation (or its been updated since last I checked).I'm willing to try a few different things, even, possibly creating a plug in my users could install that would be capable of doing this for them. But the ideal solution would be to have a way for javascript to do this.