New Member
I have a fetched HTML doc that i am trying to fetch. I fetch it and store it in an object called $CLONE which makes sense for what i am going to be doing next. If i copy that object and append to the body, it shows correctly.\[code\]$item_clone = $_CLONE_.clone();$("body").append($item_clone);\[/code\]This works just fine. The downside is that i want to start essentially copy and pasting the data.Catch: The objects in the fetched html DOC are positioned with an absolute positioning in various elements. I was told to change all position: absolute to not there, and then give them a inline display and float left, but it just destroys the HTML that was trying to be preserved.I want to more or less stack multiple to essentially have a list of HTML DOC clones.I adjusted the parents:\[code\]$_CLONE_ = $("<div style='position:relative;' />").append(FETCHED_FORM);\[/code\]so that each object is properly layered inside 1 object.I have no idea. The this is that i want to shift the parent div down by an amount = the height of what $CLONE would be; Does that make sense?