Content Management Software


Staff member
I was looking on the website for "mambo" and it looks intreaging and I was wondering if anyone has used a CMS before and do you have have any words of wisdom on using them. It seems to make sence that if your site is in constant change that this is the way to go.<br /><br />Any thoughts would be appreciated.<br /><br />Lee<!--content-->
I too am interested in anyone who has had a good experience with a CMS package. I played with them a few years ago and was't that impressed with the ones I tried. I'm thinking about using one for a new project I'm working on however. Any help is much appreciated. The website I visited before was <a href="" target="_blank"></a> , but I'm looking for more first hand experiences from TCH members.<!--content-->
I haven't messed with it that much yet, but I know many here have (we have a lot of mambo installations). But just wanted to drop ya a note here to look at "Joomla", as that's basically replaced Mambo (or is the latest version of mambo depending on how you look at it).<!--content-->
I use CMS Phpnuke and Xoops in several mine hosted in TCH, e functions very well.<br />They are sufficiently practical and interesting solutions and function relatively well.<br /><br />At the moment I am looking at studying Mambo and joomla for next projects.<br />CMS纾