I came across this blog post on the seobook.com blog late last night and went to bed after looking at it. Should of posted it for ya'll to read. lol
Quote: Recently, there have been a series of negative articles about content farms.
Content farms, such as Demand Media's eHow and similar low-cost content publication sites, are now deemed an industry "concern". "Industry" being the traditional publishing idustry, and concern presumably being "competitive threat".
A trade group called the Internet Content Syndication Council (ICSC) has been circulating a document entitled "Council To Counter Web Content Generators Growing Clout". They talk about "job threatened journalists" and "diminishing content standards". Look, see what happens when the proletariat gets their hands on the printing press!
The pundits have also weighed in. So many journalists, eh. Looks like an over-supply if you ask me Some of them could learn a thing or two from SEOs.
For starters, many seem to be working on the false.. Continued at: Content Farming
What is everyones comments on this article? You agree with what's been said or disagree with something? Please explain. One thing I like about Aaron is his "tell it like it is" approach. I don't agree with everything he says but in this case, I'm with him 100% - G is all about the benjamins, relevance and quality are secondary. Let's go the whole hog if we are worried about "diminishing content standards." Children entering school, at 5 or whatever is the local age, will be given an IQ test. Any child with an IQ of less than 110 will not be taught how to write. The OutSpoken media blog just responded to the article i had posted from seobook.com. It's a good one.
Quote: Over at SEO Book yesterday, Peter Da Vanzo wrote a punchy post about how when it comes to content farming, SEOs Get It, Journalists Don
Quote: Recently, there have been a series of negative articles about content farms.
Content farms, such as Demand Media's eHow and similar low-cost content publication sites, are now deemed an industry "concern". "Industry" being the traditional publishing idustry, and concern presumably being "competitive threat".
A trade group called the Internet Content Syndication Council (ICSC) has been circulating a document entitled "Council To Counter Web Content Generators Growing Clout". They talk about "job threatened journalists" and "diminishing content standards". Look, see what happens when the proletariat gets their hands on the printing press!
The pundits have also weighed in. So many journalists, eh. Looks like an over-supply if you ask me Some of them could learn a thing or two from SEOs.
For starters, many seem to be working on the false.. Continued at: Content Farming
What is everyones comments on this article? You agree with what's been said or disagree with something? Please explain. One thing I like about Aaron is his "tell it like it is" approach. I don't agree with everything he says but in this case, I'm with him 100% - G is all about the benjamins, relevance and quality are secondary. Let's go the whole hog if we are worried about "diminishing content standards." Children entering school, at 5 or whatever is the local age, will be given an IQ test. Any child with an IQ of less than 110 will not be taught how to write. The OutSpoken media blog just responded to the article i had posted from seobook.com. It's a good one.
Quote: Over at SEO Book yesterday, Peter Da Vanzo wrote a punchy post about how when it comes to content farming, SEOs Get It, Journalists Don