Content assist in Spring Tool Suite (STS) and m2eclipse not working


New Member
I have a multimodule maven project with 10 or more modules. I'm using STS 2.9.0 (or .1, I forget). Whenever I open a spring xml file, content assist won't work. I've made sure that the project has the Spring Nature as well as added the xml files to the project Properties->Spring->Beans Support. The error at the bottom of the screen reads, "**** has no known child tags", where **** is 'beans' I think. That's about the only feedback I get. I can create a simple multimodule maven project from the command line, with a single module, import it into STS and follow the above steps, and content assist works fine.I've even deleted the entire problematic project (parent and all modules) from my workspace, gone to the command line and deleted .settings, .project, and .classpath from every module, reimported and still... nothing.I've enabled debug/console logging and there isn't anything that stands out.If I try and invoke a Validate on my xml file, it tells me that spring-beans-3.0.xsd won't validate, which is interesting.Other than that, I'm a little stuck. This isn't a show-stopper issue, but content assist is a very nice feature of STS.Any help is appreciated.UPDATE 6/7/2012:Just to clarify things further, my project setup is as follows:\[code\]myproject/ pom.xml myproject-parent/ pom.xml module-a/ module-b/\[/code\]'myproject' aggregates 'module-a' and 'module-b', but 'module-a' and 'module-b' inherit from 'myproject-parent'. If I have all of those projects in my workspace, content assist won't work. If however, I remove 'myproject' from my workspace, I get content assist! Wondering if this is a bug in m2eclipse -- maybe an inability to handle projects that are not aggregated by their parent from whom the inherit?Thanks,Justin