Conspiracy Theory! Someone is robbing my adsense earnings!


New Member
hey!Are there any adsense experts here? I think someone is robbing my adsense clicks, can this be done by some hacker or a person that has acess to my hosting account?thanksIt's certainly possible.For a definate answer you should email Google with your concerns. They will have a reccord of every account that has displayed Adsense on your site. Make sure you are able to prove you're an Administrator of the site in question though.I already contacted them on this matter but i didn't get the answer I was hoping for, they only said that I could be sure that all my clicks would be paid.Well, even if someone is robbing me I think they would not tell me, off course, that would be the same as admite a failure in the program!I contacted them again because my suspicions are getting stronger each day.I hope they find the sucker and kill him!Quote:to verify the adsense ads displayed in your site is indeed your....go to your site and then view the source code . check the google id number is your, if not then forward the unknown account no. to google for investigation. make sure u know your acc no.Acider is right.....verify first the source code if the id number is yours....much better if you change the password of your account...he/she cannot change the code if he/she did not know the info of your account...chande your password ... and contact google..