Console Spot Custome Header


New Member

Do you have any idea guys how can i get or make such header for my vb forum ?

in phpbb there were a mod specially for it but in vb i don't know how to do it


if any one can rip it and prepare it for us that would be great.
By header do you mean the image?

Photoshop makes those. That one seems very easy to rip too. Just save it and paint over their logo.
Man oh man, i mean the buttons with the images all at once, notice that the images get highlighted when clicked and in the target page.
You can make those in photoshop too. Make each button (standard button and mouseover button for each link)

Before </head> put in:

<script type="text/javascript">
function rollover(img_name, img_src)
document[img_name].src = img_src;

Your links would then go:

<a href=""
onmouseover="rollover('link1', 'link1_mouseover.gif')"
onmouseout="rollover('link1', 'link1_standard.gif')">
<img src="link1_standard.gif" name="link1" /></a>

<a href=""
onmouseover="rollover('link2', 'link2_mouseover.gif')"
onmouseout="rollover('link2', 'link2_standard.gif')">
<img src="link1_standard.gif" name="link2" /></a>

What about each page? i mean when you select the XMB for example the button become always highlighed with balck.
Once you've given the <img> tag a name (which we have above, we've called it link1, link2, etc) you can modify any attribute within it using JS. The JS above changes the "src" attribute based on two events - on mouse over and on mouse out.

You can request the src be changed upon page load by using the following code in the page:

<script type="text/javascript">

You'd include this near the top of whatever your link1 page is. As soon as the code is executed, the src of the button called "link1" is changed to whatever you want; your "hover" image, a totally new image, or whatever. In the above example it becomes blabla.gif

It is a pretty gung-ho way of doing it though; skins made with image rollovers would have done it more elegantly, but this works as an easy retrofit. If you want to include variables, preloaders and stuff, just learn JS or use a skin with it already included.