Confusing Google Indexing


New Member
Hi, my site's been up for around....3 months now. I'd just been indexed on google.But the bad thing is, there's nothing you CAN search for to retrieve my site, besides the site itself.And once it does that all it shows is the homepage link, and no description or anything.I added META keywords and descriptions into the front page, yet they do not display in the google searches.How could i possibly overcome it?If you need to see for yourself, input '' into the google engine, and my page will have no description.Google doesn't give any importance to metatags.Spend a bit of your time to exchange your link with other valuable websites.Google start to index your subpages when your start page increase in google rank.To augment the google rank , you need sites linking back to you.oh okay. So just affiliate alot. Got it.and update your homepage every day.It helps to increase google rank.A dead site will result in a dead google rank.