Hi guys I've encountered a problem with css and html ; (check out http://jsfiddle.net/3sg5Y/6/ )My problem is that, the on the right of the has a script that make him scroll from right to left when the mouse is over the "square" div . So, to make it work I have to set \[code\].square{font-family: 'Lobster Two';background-color: rgba(196, 196, 193, 0.3);/*color: rgba(196, 196, 193, 0.3);*/color: #000;width: 300px; height: 160px; margin:30px; border: solid 10px #000; position: relative;overflow: hidden; /* this! */}\[/code\]so the "bcont" div appears only when it move inside the "square" on muoseover. But, setting overflow: hidden on "square" div , the arrow (created by "square:after" rule) doesnt show up, and it is killing me. Sorry for my english . Thank you all !