Configuration error with web.config file?


New Member
The error that I am getting is:<BR>Configuration file web.config does not contain a root <configuration> tag. and it highlights the first line in my web.config file.<BR><BR>I have a web.config file in the root of the classroom folder that contains the following code, why am I getting this error?<BR><BR><configuration><BR> <system.web><BR> <authentication mode="Forms"><BR> <forms <BR> name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" <BR> loginUrl="LoginForm.aspx"><BR> </forms><BR> </authentication><BR> </system.web><BR></configuration><BR>I'm pretty sure that the web.config file HAS to live in the WWWROOT directory, not in a subdirectory. It covers the whole site that way. Try moving it to the root and see if it works.