Config.php database access


New Member
Ive been at this all day im installing 8.1 and I have tried everything

at the moment im getting

Error description: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) D:\CustomerData\webspaces\xxx_00110293\wwwroot\\Forum\includes\class_core.php on line 311

I think that means that my username and pass is wrong but its not so im confused heres the 2 parts of my config.php that i think may be the problem.

BTW. I have tried with and without the prefix of the username.

	//	This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.
	//	These must be obtained through your webhost.
$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'xxx_xxx';
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'xxxxxx';

	//	****** DATABASE NAME ******
	//	This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
	//	This must be created by your webhost.
$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'xxx_xxx';

	//	****** TABLE PREFIX ******
	//	Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.
$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = 'vb_';

Please help i dont know what to do.
If you know that your u/n and p/w are correct try contacting you host and ask if they use "localhost" or if something else is needed to be put in its place.
2 reasons:
1) MySQL Server is not on
2) Wrong db Details.
your db username must be different from the db name... and maybe you didnt even create the db... and you dont need the prefix in your username. u shoulda created a user for that database, and that user will be like a ADMIN of whole database. And you MUST give permissions - ALLOW ALL, and put the username + pass from that ADMIN user to your db details. as db Name, just put the name of the database name as you made it.
Defaults for these 2 programs are

Username: root
Password: none (must add one yourself.)

Username: root
Password: password
IF you will be needing prefix, since you got more then 1 site on your space probably, then you DO need a prefix. and prefix would be :

You need to make an FTP + MySQL account:
IF my Hosting Login account is wassap,
then when you will make a user for FTP + MySQL, the username will look like :
wassap.xxxxxx , (It can be anything, for example - adminz)
Where xxxxxx can be a username that used as ADMIN (root) account for FTP and MySQL. So then, you fill config like this:

//	This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.
//	These must be obtained through your webhost.
$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'wassap.[color=Blue][b]adminz[/b][/color]';
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'doesntmatterwhatpassword';

This is for MySQL Account (Admin Account for that Hosting Account).
this is the formula - [1].[2]
Where [1] is hosting account name, (the account that made in MySQL)
Dot . is very important. because it conects Account and database name together.
And [2] database name.
Example : wassap.test
Where wassap is a account for your hosting and test is a name of database.
The account wassap should be made in MySQL 1st tho.

Now, thats how you would fill the config.php

//	****** DATABASE NAME ******
//	This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
//	This must be created by your webhost.
$config['Database']['dbname'] = '[b][color=Red]wassap.test[/color][/b]';

Sorry, my language is bad, and this looks complicated, but it have to be done =/
then if you got underscore you should be able to write
//	****** DATABASE NAME ******
//	This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
//	This must be created by your webhost.
$config['Database']['dbname'] = '[b]blahblah[color=Red][SIZE="4"]_[/SIZE][/color]DBname[/b]';

Or you could also try doing like this :
//	****** DATABASE NAME ******
//	This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
//	This must be created by your webhost.
$config['Database']['dbname'] = '[b]blahblah[color=Red][SIZE="4"].[/SIZE][/color]DBname[/b]';
neither work mate ive sent the file to my host and told them that i need the variables. Just waiting for a reply now :D Thanks again for the help guys.

got it the prefix was fixed so the table prefix was like xxxx_ so i was trying to use vb_ as my prefix as I always have but at least its got past that now dont know what errors ill have when installing things when the table prefix is xxxx_.
well thats strange.. I never thought installation involved so many stuffs, infact its very easy but when people come up with sorts of issue its just strange.. I hope this gets fixed..