Conditional Statements While Using <asp:Repea


New Member
Does anyone know hoe to use conditionals with a Repeater. I have a few fields in my database that could possibly have a NULL value, and i dont want this displayed if this is the case...<BR><BR>Remember in classic ASP you could do ;<BR><BR><% if not rstitle("link") = NULL then %><BR>display link <BR><% else %><BR>dont display link <BR><% end if %><BR><BR>how do I do this with the Container.DataItem("link") command?<BR><BR>I just get an error message when I use the old syntax...<BR><BR>.net newbie here so apologies if any of this doesnt make sense.<BR><BR>d.<BR><BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>I am having the same problem..I guess we have to use the ItemCreated event of the repeater control. Please let me know if you have come out with a solution and so will I<BR><BR>RAM