condition checking in xslt


New Member
A Little update in my previous question already @Dimetre answered thatLinkInput XML\[code\]<tutorial><lessons> <lesson> chapter Bat 20 </lesson> <lesson> chapter Pen Ball 10~ </lesson> <lesson> chapter Book </lesson> <lesson> note lesson </lesson> <lessons1> <lesson> chapter Pencil 10 </lesson> <lesson> description page </lesson> <lesson> chapter Car Tank 25 </lesson></lessons1></lessons>\[/code\]The Output will be \[code\]<Geography><historical> <social> <toc1> <toc> <chapter>chapter</chapter> <unit>Bat</unit> <pages>20</pages> </toc> <toc> <chapter>chapter</chapter> <unit>Pen Ball</unit> <pages>10</pages> </toc> <toc> <chapter>chapter</chapter> <unit>Book</unit> <pages>10</pages> </toc> <sample> <original>note lesson</original> </sample> </toc1> <toc2> <toc> <chapter>chapter</chapter> <unit>Pencil</unit> <pages>10</pages> </toc> <sample> <original>description page</original> </sample> <toc> <chapter>chapter</chapter> <unit>Car Tank</unit> <pages>25</pages> </toc> </toc2> </social>\[/code\]Here in input XML I have for sample i have written two Lessons (lesson, Lesson1) actually but actually it my have n number of lessons. I think I am asking more but i am learning simultaneously. Please help me & Guide meThanks in advanceRegardsKarthic